soul quotes from angie weiland-crosby

Soul Quotes to Love and Live By

Soul quotes can serve as pocket-sized reminders to realign, appreciate, and live your most authentic life. They can also help you dive deeper into your soul.

I have compiled an assortment of pins with my own quotes that are currently on my Pinterest Board, Soul Quotes|Pictures of Nature. I hope my words speak to you, and the images deliver you to a state of peace and relaxation.

Soul Quotes About Love

soul quotes | love and heartache quote | inspirational love quote | broken soul quote | a picture of nature with fog, mountains and trees |
Though our souls must part, time unripe to know our love story’s heart, I’ll keep us in hope’s sight.

Some loves enter our lives and feel destined.  But sometimes time whispers…not yet.  In this case, we must let go with the faith that if a love is pure and meant to be, it will return.

Still, hope shines like a beacon, keeping vigil in the fog of time.  And as you grow, that true love may just do the same.  Then, the future will find you.

soulful quote with lake and misty trees...

Meet me in the middle of your story when the soul is worn but wise.

This quote came to me in a flash while I snuggled my daughter, rubbing her head.  I was experiencing a “moment that matters,” and I traced it back to my journey with my husband.  We married in the middle of our stories when we housed souls worn, but surely wiser.

In fact, it took a breakup in our early thirties and three years apart to grow our own identities and return to each other once more fully-realized.  After a fourteen year journey, we married.

Nature photographer @eberhardgrossgasteiger took this image.  His work is so soulful and beautiful.  Click to find him on Instagram.

soulful quote with a sun and flowers

Love strikes a fire.  Soul keeps it alight.

It has been my experience that Love creates limitless possibility and warmth.  However, soul keeps Love’s flames burning for the long-run.

inspirational love quote | soul quotes | love quotes | a picture of a yellow flower |

One pure moment holds the power to create infinite love.

This is truth.  One powerful moment with someone can influence the rest of your life, as you return to it for inspiration in both the light and dark.  A rich life is one stacked with these immortal gems.

friendship love quote with a moody sunflower field by Eberhard Grossgasteiger...

You and me, friend, we’re that someplace in-between . . . running through the sunflowers, knowing every step’s a dream.

We all exist as—that someplace in-between—our birth and death.  It’s called . . . Life.  During this period of time, we experience joy and hardships.  We also love the largest by shining our light, and presence.

Indeed, at any given moment on this path, we can choose to run through that soulful sunflower field, appreciative of our every breath.  And the most profound gift of all . . .we can bring others along with us, those who may need a helping hand.

Take a moment to feel the power in this dream.  Living. Loving. Giving. When we do this very thing, magic returns in the loveliest of ways.  It’s called . . .Friendship.   soulful quote with a mom and daughter on a mountain...

A mother’s love is vast and fearless.

Becoming a mom expanded my horizons and taught me fearlessness.  I advocate for my autistic daughter in a way I never would have for myself beforehand.  But in doing so, it’s moved me deeper into my soul, and strengthened me.  I treat myself better as a result.  After all, I am my daughter’s greatest example of how to love and honor one’s self.

soul quote about love and motherhood | photo by Annie Spratt of the sun and a spiderweb

She was a weaver of Love; her soul a sunlit loom.

I dedicate this quote to moms around the world. 

By nature, motherhood is a life force, a beautiful weaver of Love. With each passing day, a mom nurtures, gives, and teaches her children so they can grow. Her soul is like a loom, as she threads and laces uniqueness and grace, passing her traits on and on through generations. In doing so, she is creating a web of wonder.

soul quote with a sailboat at sunset | Photo by Daniel Lincoln...

I dedicate this quote to dads around the world. 

A father is a strong ship in a girl’s life, one that steers her early course, protecting her. As she grows, he then teaches her how to maneuver both peaceful days and stormy nights. The journey begins with soul and never lets up.

I have watched my husband shepherd our autistic daughter through her ten years of life in the most gentle loving way. When her seas are rocky, he calms her. When her smile skyrockets, he laughs with her. When the world is unjust, he advocates for her. Always, he encourages her to sail toward her dreams.⁣

The path isn’t typical. You may find stars in daylight, things out of place from the norm. But a wise father knows how to embrace them, polish their unique beauty, and reflect back a daughter’s self-worth. 

Soul Quote and Moonlight Sea Photography by Evan LeithIlluminate your soul like a starlit sea. Travel to the depth of Love’s journey.

If you are living on the outskirts of your soul, life can feel dormant. The magic of what it is to be alive eludes you. But when you immerse yourself fully in soul, moving with purpose and mindfulness, you are a tapestry of light. The deeper you travel, the more you reflect Love, and show others that at their essence, this is the truth of who we are. Love.

soulful dog quote with photography of a man with his dog...

A dog is your soul, shed in the wild.

When I gaze deep into my lab’s eyes, all I find is soul.  And in this pure space, I see myself—a part of me that exists in the wild—wordless, beautifully in sync with life in its simplicity.  In doing so, I shed human expectations, and I embrace sheer unspoken love.  I become one with it, as this is who-we-are.

Anyone who takes time to “be” with a dog knows this truth.

soul quote with daffodils in the spring | Photo by Eberhard GrossgasteigerYou imprinted your soul on mine, and ever so briefly, we shimmered in time.

When we make an authentic connection with another person, we see into the soul. Time appears to stop and shimmer. It can seem dreamlike.

We all have them—those tiny, meaningful moments that feel mystical. They may come to you by chance with a stranger: a passing smile, a nod, a glance, or through a random act of kindness.

Or these moments arrive through loved ones, and we replay them in our hearts—a kaleidoscope of sunlight.
This is the beauty of life.

soulful quote with flowers and raindrops...

Mind searches for love.  Heart longs.  Soul falls deeper into you.

As humans, we embark on a lifelong quest to bring love from others into our hearts and sphere, and then keep it.  Still, the deepest connection to nurture, I’ve found, is the relationship with one’s self.   In honoring and loving who you are at the deepest level, pure Love flows from you and into your meaningful relationships.

It took me until my forties to truly “get” this concept and live it.

Nature Photography of a full moon over the ocean by Javardh

Be your own moon.

We are all responsible for growing into our souls, finding our authenticity, and purpose. Like stars, people populate our lives, shiny beacons of encouragement. But the task is left to us. ⁣

soul quote about love with daisies in the sunlight | Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger Sunlight entwined us; souls bathed in Love.

When we move through this world leading with Love, our relationships, like the sun, warm and sustain us. Moments feel pure; our souls drenched in well-being.

Wake up conscious and bathe in Love first thing. Observe how sunlight follows.

soul love quote with a forest and full moon | photo by Andrew Ridley

I am but one soul uplifted and magnified by those who love me.

We all are unique souls.  But we cannot evolve into our greatest selves without being lifted by others.  The moon doesn’t exist in a vacuum.  It shines amidst all of nature, illuminating its truth.

Imagine yourself as the moon rising above a forest of all those who have loved you.  Look down and see their faces.  You are magnified in their hearts—a treasured story they’ve lived.

How exquisite is this?  To be loved so greatly that your soul shines for it.

Scarlet Oak, a Magical Realism Novel by Angie Weiland-Crosby

“A mesmerizing and beautiful debut novel . . . Scarlet Oak will enchant you with its soulful prose. The novel is a magical ode to nature, and a story of grief, hope, and love, from a unique new talent.” –J. Sexton, poet

Soulful Quotes About Overcoming Grief & Darkness

Hope Quote with a Moody Dandelion Photo by Linford MilesHope is beauty yet to bloom.

Hope is that beautiful force that rests beneath the surface of suffering. She strikes a flame in you. Speaks fiery words to pull you through.

Do not blow out her light. Keep Hope near. For she has a longstanding relationship with Joy. They both long to bloom for you.  

And you will be there to witness it, if you never give up.

soulful quote with stork in the rain...

Nature births raindrops so the soul can grow.

I love this image of a stork in the rain.  It makes me think of how we, as humans, birth our own tears.  In fact, we are in charge of whether we grieve fully, or not.  When we allow grief an outlet, it opens up room for the soul’s growth.

soul quote | love and heartache quote | bereavement quote | a picture of nature with a lake, trees, mountains, and fog

I long to know the whys of you; the stories that I never knew.

When we lose someone we love, it is a personal pain. And with it comes the loss of all the pieces of that person we may not have known. In this sense, we also grieve for stories untold.

I look to this quote as a reminder to ask people more about themselves. What a gift to hold histories from those we love to read in the warmth of our candle-lit hearts.

darkness quote with starry night photography by Wes Hicks

Beyond the stars that feel too much, I’ll hold your hand, our souls will touch.

We all face dark periods in our lives; times when even a sky full of stars can’t shine enough brightness to save us. Instead, they exist as a reminder of how our light has broken into a million pieces. And we may feel too much, too little, or too lost.

Sometimes, we need someone not to speak, but simply hold our hand, soul to soul in the darkness. This is empathy, and kindness.

soul quote and autumn horizon photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

She met the storm, a heartbreak’s cry; and on the horizon her soul revived.

Life can upend you, a bevy of storms. When this happens, the heart needs to make space to cry and release. Only then can you meet the horizon with a cleansed soul, and the spirit of resilience.

darkness quotes | soul quotes | mindfulness quotes | a picture of nature with a full moon, tree branches, and a dark night

When darkness branches to your soul, light still finds a way to rise.

Darkness can feel as if it has tentacles strangling the light from you.  But your soul houses enough brilliance to divorce you from it once you’ve had your fill.  And then lift you up in your beauty like this full moon.

mindfulness quotes | bereavement quote | life wisdom quotes | a picture of white flowers and raindrops

Be kind to Grief that rains pure love.

Take time to be kind to Grief, which is honoring both yourself and your lost loved one.

While mourning, you are missing, and aching, and wishing.  However, I can bet that person who you’re grieving would want you to be kind to yourself, and in this sense, to your heartache.  Remember, as you recall your story together, the heart is raining pure love.

soul quote with blue flowers in nature...

Your words shed like petals from my memory; & what remains is your bare soul.  I knew it well.  I loved it even more so.  And things of this nature, they cannot die.

Time has a way of shearing our memories, and our loved ones’ words may fade.  But the soul of who-we-were-together, it is immortal.  This exists as a force, and such energy doesn’t perish. 

Love is soul-born…never ending.

Broken Soul Quote & Moon Photography by John Silliman

Beneath the moonlight’s shadowed glow, she bravely mends her broken soul.

The moon is a miracle of craters, halves, and wholeness.

Look above to the moon and smile at it. Embrace every beautiful and broken piece of yourself. Mend what you  can, but know that life is a patchwork of shadow and light, and there you flow with it . . . a brave, unique wonder. 

Moody Nature Mountains and Hopeful Sunlight by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

Hope sits on the cusp of a storm, whispering faith to those forlorn.

As long as there is another breath, Hope will give to you, faithfully. But you must remain open. This calls for you to shift your mindset, lift your spirit, and tap your soul awake. It is in our realm of power to do so, if we believe.

Soulful Darkness Quotes | Darkness and the Mountain by Eberhard Grossgasteiger Do not view hardships as etched in stone. They are paths to travel until you’ve grown.

When you are in the thick of a ‘hardship,’ you may feel the word in a literal sense. You are a weighted ship, unable to move, essentially ‘stuck.’

But even if movement isn’t visible, or feels possible, there are shifts, in every moment, every day. You wake up, first and foremost, and are still alive. In time, you walk, inch by inch, forward, a path that isn’t to your liking, but one that you must take.

Months may pass, years even, until there exists a moment when you turn around and witness how far you’ve journeyed.

You are not ‘hardship.’

You are the light that lifts your ship, and sets sail in uncharted waters, winds along moody paths, climbs tear-soaked hikes.

And just like that, you realize, I have grown taller than the mountain that threatened to take me down. I am one strong ship.

soulful quote with blue night and lantern...

The soul welcomes the bluest night, aware that light will return.

The soul knows we aren’t one-dimensional beings meant only to bask in the light.  Rather, we are on a journey to mine the depths of all emotion, to feel what it is to fully live.  And life without grief’s shades of blue, it’s simply an impossible request.  Still, so many of us in this society expect and strive for pure happiness which, in turn, exacerbates depression.

Reaching for inner peace rather than unadulterated bliss has been the way for me to deepen my soul.

soulful quote about hope | Photo of buttercups by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

Speak hope to me with sunlit words that know not to dim.

Because, at times, we need just this . . . someone to speak hope for us.

Like rays from the sun, the words sustain, warm, and keep us going.

Grief Quote and Reflection Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger Here I am, always with you, though these days have stretched too long. We’re still loving from a distance, through the soul for now.

Those we love and have lost are always connected to us through our souls. 

Scarlet Oak, a Magical Realism Novel by Angie Weiland-Crosby

Soulful Quotes About Nature

nature quotes | soul quotes | inspirational nature quotes | a picture of nature with fog and the woods |

In the backwoods of nature’s soul I left my wild true heart.

There is nothing more freeing for me than to escape into nature’s soul and solitude. In doing so, I both nurture and tame the wilderness within.

It also takes me back to childhood when my wild true heart relished every second playing outdoors. I spent most of my time in the forest. It existed as a stomping ground to grow my imagination.

A return always feels like slipping into my authenticity.

a beautiful meadow of wildflowers...

Decorate my soul with spring.  Fill its depth with lovely things.

The soul is a grounded sacred space.  In the springtime, however, I imagine it levitating like the sun.  Peering below with wonder.  Then, fueling up with the season’s loveliness.

The soul then lowers once more.  Silent.   Now, spring’s grace garnishes its depth.

soulful quote with autumn forest...

Deep in the forest I stroll to hear the wisdom of my soul.

A forest is my safe haven–a place to still my nerves, reflect on my life, and heighten my creativity.  Nature certainly bears its own wisdom, and when I connect it teaches me profound lessons.

autumn soul quote with fall red tree...

My soul lives in the heart of autumn’s immortal dream.

Of all seasons, the fall time teaches us the most about living and dying with grace. I imagine autumn’s trees, however, harboring a secret wish to hold onto their beloved colored leaves. Dangle them forever from their branches, or keep them near.

My photo freezes fall into just this sort of dream my soul longs to capture. I took this lovely shot in Annapolis, Maryland.

If you are an autumn lover, do not miss one of my most popular posts, 45+ Autumn Quotes & Fall Caption to Enchant the Soul.

winter quote | nature quote | life wisdom quote | a picture of nature with beautiful trees and snow |

Honor old age.  Winter has beautiful stories left to tell.

Nature moves in a rhythm through the seasons just as we do on our life journey.  Winter reflects old age, and I wish everyone could see the soulful grace, beauty, and wisdom this phase in life offers.  Winter is a master storyteller.

Nature Photography of a girl running by Nine Koepfer

When Peace runs away from home, Nature leads us to the soul.

Our bodies are like a home. But sometimes they can take a turn, become a rundown house, weighted by grief, and heartache, and problems. Peace then feels like a runaway, and we long to chase her, and drag her back home. It’s not always that simple!⁣

Alone time in Nature, however, will lead to your soul—the sacred cornerstone of who-you-are. As you mirror the calm in Nature, Peace will return to you, even if it is only for those quiet moments. ⁣

Winter Wonderland and Cabin Photo by Patryck WojcieszakSilence wrapped my weary soul in a wintry birth to refresh home.

If you are an introvert, this is the dream. Quiet, cozy, alone time, your soul soaking it in. Once you’ve had your fill, you leave refreshed, aglow, and ready to face the world once more.

Winter is the perfect season to do the job!

We all need silent soul time to restore ourselves, as much as we need air.

soul quote with ocean photography by Alan Cabello . . . The soul syncs with the ocean, a portal to deeper things.

The ocean is so soothing because it speaks to our souls. The wave of deeper things connects us to our natural world, to our very being.

nature soul quote with a moody forest | Photo by Eberhard GrossgasteigerI rested my body on forest grass, gave my soul to the wilderness and never looked back.

Once you take the time to rest in presence with the forest, your soul recognizes it as home. Even as you wander back to the human realm, the lore of the trees, the sounds of the wilderness, the scents of its wonder, accompany you. And this is the beauty and magic of nature.

If you love trees as much as I do, check out my post, Tree Quotes and Tree Poetry that Branch to Your Soul

Nature Photography of a Foggy Mountain by Marek Piwnicki

Nature carries us well past awe and holds us in her womb, the soul.

Each time we step outside, we step inside the womb of Nature—the vast, soulful place from which all vital things grow. Mother Nature holds you, carries you, and uplifts. Every footstep is to the tune of awe, and then some. For you are seamlessly a part of her, in touch with the pulse of who you are, who we are, and who we can be, together.

Soul Quotes About Mindfulness

Inspirational Soul Quote | Flower Photography by Mathieu Bigard

Dawn whispers her golden vow, “I will give enough light to the here and now.”

Live, Grow, and Love beneath the rays of consciousness, and direct your attention to the present moment. Be a light to others, and yourself.

mindfulness quote | soul quote | photo by Frank Mckenna

I will rise with the sun, and braid her rays of hope into my soul.

When we rise with the sun, and focus first on gratitude and hope, a vibrational shift occurs. Life feels manageable, even as we struggle. We may do this through prayer, or meditation, or presence in nature.

Conversely, when we wake up to our devices, problems, and the hurriedness of routines, our day can feel as if it has run from us. We are then stuck in catch up mode.

Am I believer in painting positivity over despair? No. I think we all need to work through life’s spectrum of emotions. But I do notice a difference when I rise and take pause to braid the sun’s rays of hope into my soul. Then I know, this day will not be lost. Instead, I will be an active participant in its wonder.

soulful quote with lab and heron on a pier...

Let’s BE for a moment so our souls can speak.

My dog, Cali, loves to chase ducks and this heron on our pier.  But on rare occasion, the two meet and experience a moment of soulfulness.  This photo brings me to a state of bliss whenever I look at it.  It makes me believe the possibility for the human race to connect exists in quiet sacred moments.

soul quote | Nature Photography by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

The deeper you wander, the more you see.

What rests at the surface of our lives isn’t the most fulfilling. Traveling deep into one’s soul, with the want to also see other’s souls, opens up space. In this realm, we catch a glimpse of another’s story, which may lead to feeling it, too. In this moment, we learn, empathize, and grow.

It is a gift to carry a soul enriched by diversity.

soul quote with lilac and a butterfly | Photo by Eberhard GrossgasteigerGather peaceful moments as nectar to the soul. 

Make the time and space to create inner peace, a life-giving force. Carry these moments deep in to your soul.

Naturally, you will pollinate love around you.

soul quote with a winter setting and a tree | Photo by Mat Reding

There she stood in the wide alone. Her soul rejoiced for room to grow.

We are forever in a place of self-discovery. In this respect, aloneness is necessary at times. There you can dig deep and unearth your authentic self, and then bring these truths to your next relationship.

Space to “become” is a beautiful thing. We should value it more.

soul quote with a bird flying | Photo by Marek Piwnicki

Your soul is the embodiment of Love flying free. 

When you live from a place of deep soul, Love has room to fly. That’s because you feel the interconnectedness of all living things, and see that you are a part of this oneness. You are the bird that soars above you, the earth that grounds you, and the breeze that soothes you. You are pieces of all those who have lived and loved before you, and all who will continue this journey beyond you.

Through this lens, Love for nature, humanity, and one’s self then flows effortlessly. We are free.

mindfulness quotes | soul quotes | life wisdom quotes | a picture of nature with lovely marigolds |
Marry gold wishes with a true heart.

We all carry dreams that we we long to actualize.  But in the pursuit of our wants, bearing a pure heart along with authenticity matters.  A dream come to fruition any other way isn’t as stable.  Gold wishes and a true heart, however, speak to the soul’s recipe for brilliance.

soul quote with a moody nature landscape by Eberhard GrossgasteigerEveryone needs a place to retreat; a spot where the world grows quiet enough for the soul to speak.

We all need quiet time to process changes and ground ourselves. It is a gift to give yourself space to honor the soul.

Beautiful foggy Day Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

Plant purpose in your soul, and with each mindful action, light will grow.

Once you find your purpose on this earth, you must mindfully act in accordance. With each step, light will emanate . . . brighter, brighter, even brighter. You will reflect it to others, and in turn, shine on their purpose. After all, we are here to help each other.

soulful quote with daisy...

Sometimes the little things in life are more than enough.

I adore this image of a single daisy.  One little thing in life has the capacity to bring meaning to you.  I paired this pin on Pinterest with my blog post, Time for Stillness.  It speaks to tiny profound moments in motherhood that add up to a powerful movie a mom will one day replay in her heart.

The photographer of this amazing pic is Alan Cabello.  Give him a follow on Instagram!

Even when it’s hard to see, I still believe the world is awash in beauty.

The world suffers at times.  Hope can feel extinct.  Our burdens may seem insurmountable.  We may not be able to look past them.

But humble and quiet, beauty still exists…somewhere.  Be present to it when you can. 

soul quote with a person looking at a mountain range...

I’ve trekked mountains wise and bold to settle into this grand old soul.

Life is a journey, weathered and true.  You are met with obstacles without a doubt.  But you also have a choice as to how to confront them.  In this respect, you can live a life of presence, pushing past struggles, and embracing risk and the unknown.  In doing so, you’re creating a patchwork of fine moments to settle into one day.

For life isn’t meant to be easy.  It exists as a wise teacher.  But with age, you may assume the role of educator, and bring light and learning to those around you. 

Be a grand old soul!

soul quote | Nature Photography of Sunlight by Riccardo Mion

Aging graces you into the soul. Let your mind be the sunlight that tells you so.

We live in a society that feeds us this notion–youth is the key to happiness. And so we have to work that much harder to deprogram the message, and shine light on the truth. With age comes grace and wisdom. These are seasoned gifts!

soul quote with a sun reflection on the ocean

The fullest soul is a shimmery reflector of Love.

What is the soul?  It may mean something different for each person.  For me, the soul is the sacred space within.  Wiser than our years.  Humbler than our minds.  More beautiful even than our hearts.  The soul is the holiest of unknowns made known to us in intuitive glorious ways.

It is also a connecting space in which all of life flows bringing diverse and unique gifts.  In the soul, emotional depth weaves colors so true it bleeds them into everyday existence.  And we are all better for it.

Of course, darkness makes visitations to the soul, as life tells it to do.  But Love opens the door.  Listens to its frightened voice.  Nurtures it until a soft glow forms, and the dark feels a little less lonely as a result.

Then, Love strikes a fire.  Sits in the coziest chair.  Warms as it smiles.

You see, my soul will always be the light that grounds me.

Soul Love Quote and Nature Photography of a Sunset by Johannes Plenio

Love, Love, and Love some more, so that when the sun sets, you’re free to say . . . goodbye.

Be well, beautiful souls.

Read ‘Scarlet Oak,’ and Soothe Your Soul. 

Scarlet Oak, a magical realism novel by Angie Weiland-Crosby

soulful quote with a dark forest...

More Posts with Soul Quotes:

Quotes for Instagram with Heart and Soul

If you would like to use my quotes as Instagram captions, kindly hashtag me.  You can find and follow me @angieweilandcrosby on Instagram.

Love Quotes to Romance the Soul
Grief Quotes to Soothe the Soul

Nature Quotes for the Wandering Soul

nature quote with a covered bridge in Vermont...

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