girl self love quotes from angie weiland-crosby

“Girl,” a Self-Love Poem for Girls (& Moms)

I have written a self-love poem inspired by my daughter, Summer.  It is my hope to uplift other girls with autism, as well as their moms.  I also believe it speaks to all girls, as everyone is different in her own unique way.  As such, there exists a genuine need to hold self-love ever so close to our hearts.   And, of course, moms are both the pathway and example for their daughters to do so.

Here is my wish for all Girls…

Be soulful.  Be authentic.  Be magically you, Girl.  Always.

a self-love poem & beautiful pink clouds by Eberhard Grossgasteiger...


Girl, I cried in the beginning,
so much fear shrouded me.
but the more I grew into you,
Love shushed its will to be.

they did name you in a label
and chunked in parts your soul;
while I stitched pieces back together,
and whispered you are whole.

so, Girl, stay sweet beside me
for a few moments more,
in our quiet place that whispers
of grace beyond the norm.

it is here in our magic sky,
the stars know how to hum;
a melody so heart-lovely
the moon reaches the sun.

and when we fly down to the beach,
the waves flap with such bliss.
we swim together happily
in the sea’s wilderness.

true, Girl, this lives inside of you,
and really so much more.
you’ve shown me that the little things
are the gifts I missed before.

yes, my days stretch wide and vast,
and there’s beauty left to greet.
but none as important, this I know,
as the wisdom you’ve given me.

and so, I will walk before you
to clear the thickets deep;
until the day pink roses bloom
as self-love near your feet.

world, please know if she looks downward,
not straight into your eyes;
that she’s true to her own pathway,
a soothing lullaby.

and if you take the kindest time
to understand her mind,
she will return your gentleness
with the earth’s sun-drenched smile.

Girl, there’s one last tear inside me
that glows so crystalline,
a precious gem in my soul
to reflect our love story.

forever I will keep it close,
gleam it to the world.
then, people will begin to see
that you’re a sacred Girl.

Angie Weiland-Crosby

My Summer Girl, my truest love, I give my words to you.  My heart is already yours. 💙

After I wrote this poem, I walked into my kitchen, teary-eyed.  Suddenly, Summer’s magical self-portrait fell from the refrigerator.  I knew it was meant to land right here alongside this self-love poem. 

a self-love poem & a self-portrait of a magical girl...

self love quote with an image of a girl with a moon and stars by natamc/deposit photos

Beautiful Sunrise and Mountain Range Photography by Bailey Zindel

Love Quote | Mother and Daughter on the Mountaintop of Massanutten, Virginia

inspirational quote with Nature Photography of Dandelion Wishes by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

Pin to Pinterest to Keep “Girl” Close

autism love quote with a beautiful pink flower | Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

If you liked “Girl,” click here…
A Love Letter to Parents of Children with Special Needs

A special thank you to @eberhardgrossgasteiger for the dreamy cloud image that spoke to me.  Click his name to find and follow him on Instagram.  He is the warmest soul, as well as an amazing talent.

eberhard grossgasteiger photograph with a snowy setting...

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Your moments here matter to me.  Warm wishes and gratitude…always.